Shenderey Gymnastics is a fully equipped state of the art gymnastics facility proudly serving Newmarket and the surrounding areas since 1984. We offer classes for both boys and girls, tots through young adults. Our outstanding, fun-filled program is designed to teach the young students poise, character, and self-discipline, all while developing a physically fit and responsible individual. It is our mission to provide gymnastics instruction to all students enrolled in our program in both a fun and safe environment. Every child, regardless of ability, deserves the best instruction possible.
We believe in providing building blocks for success through physical activities, where everyone is given the opportunity to participate. We believe in building a strong base of knowledge through the sport of gymnastics. This base of knowledge spans from gymnastics skills, to agility, to communication skills, to coping strategies, to awareness,and to invaluable life lessons. Infinite possibilities are available to athletes in the sport of gymnastics. It is our goal to provide your child with a safe environment where they can grow and maximize their potential. We value a safe and healthy environment for all. Shenderey Gymnastics is where everyone has an opportunity to shine.